Occam Wood is an Energetic Health Practitioner, Trauma Recovery Facilitator, Reiki Master, and Certified Abundance Coach. Through his journey of overcoming adversity, abuse, and addiction, Occam lives a life of compassion, gratitude, and unconditional love. He has developed a unique process called Trauma Transmutation and Soul Integration (T.T.S.I.), drawing on over two decades of wisdom and intuition. Occam supports heart-centered changemakers and professionals on their path to transformation, guiding them to release energetic baggage and achieve balance, health, and abundance.

For the last two years, he has offered this experience to clients worldwide, allowing them the opportunity to break destructive cycles. Helping to identify, neutralize and remove the energetic toxins that stem from unresolved trauma ultimately leads to disease, disharmony, and depression in the mental, emotional, and physical body.

 Once freed from the baggage of the past, you can return to balance and harmony in all relationships, with others, self, and spirit, and return to unification with source consciousness. Free to live in your truth.

Occam has developed unique modalities as a result of his personal healing experience. He has overcome a childhood of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and teenage years filled with drug and alcohol abuse, leading to violence, anger, depression, homelessness, and suicidal ideation.

 The personal growth and spiritual awareness he has gained in his 20+ years of sobriety and enlightenment, combined with the lessons learned during the sacred ceremony and the cultivation of his gifts of intuition and guidance, have created a one-of-a-kind healing experience.


Ready to start healing? Browse available services, then book a free clarity call. Start healing today

Free Clarity Consultation Call

Quantum Reiki Power Ups

Trauma Transmutation & Soul Integration (TTSI)

2 HR Energetic Healing Tune Up

“Working with Occam is saying yes to more of your Self, more of your Own Unfoldment and Alignment with your Truth. Occam manipulates energy in a powerfully beneficial way to remove things no longer serving and aligning you to Truth. His techniques using Reiki, crystal sound bowls, essential oils, crystals & herbs creates a vortex for alchemizing any darkness willing back into light and releasing the rest lovingly. I highly recommend working with Occam”


Client Testimonials

Alexandria and Brendalize describe their experience in session with Occam’s Trauma Transmutation Sessions.

Mission Statement

“Our mission is to empower individuals to heal from past traumas, embrace their spiritual growth, and achieve holistic wellness. Through compassionate and personalized energetic healing, we aim to guide our clients toward emotional balance, inner peace, and a life of abundance and unconditional love.”

Past Success Stories

Hillary shares her transformative healing success.

Jamie raves about Occam’s healing sessions and the breakthroughs he obtained.

Start Healing Today

Start Healing Today

Jenilyn’s Testimonial

Jennifer’s Healing Success

  • “Thank you Occam for helping me align with my heart and let go of what no longer serves me. I feel more connected to the world, to myself and I feel a new inspiration to share my gift with those around me. My life is changing from the inside out and I have hope for the future. “


  • "I really appreciate Occam's work. He has great capacity to feel into deeply what is going on in my system and giving release to some big issues which needed to be resolved. The portal he opens is of great help and it is always a journey towards healing. Also the card reading was so amazing and put together the dots. I really can recommend him as a healer and you should know I am a doctor myself so thank you Occam."

    Dr. Nadja W.

  • "I’d already done a lot of transformative work over the last year. After I’d failed to launch my business, I was struggling with "What's Next?" syndrome... After a single session with Occam, I've been able to land several new clients, dial in my work, and step more confidently into my role as CEO and visionary."


  • "Occam is intuitively gifted and holds space with compassion, integrity and love. My healing sessions with him were enlightening and raised awareness of my mind, body, and spirit connection. I left feeling relaxed and at peace."
